Light, Lovely, Bubbly | Vine Pair writes on Oliver’s Trendsetting Real Fruit Moscatos

Here at Oliver, we take our sweet wines seriously and strive to create approachable sippers for everyone. Our belief that all types of wine deserve the highest respect and craft, isn’t just talk.
Our Real Fruit Moscatos combine real fruit juice + West Coast Moscato, for a refreshingly real wine that’s hard to resist. Cherry Moscato was the first of the collection to release in 2017, and began a flavored Moscato trend that’s carried us to the collection’s newest addition, Melon Mint Moscato.
Michelle Mastro at Vine Pair writes on the splash our Midwest winery created through this refreshing and approachable collection of wines. Click here to read the Vine Pair article!
— Michelle Mastro, Vine Pair

Ode to Moscato: 10 Reasons We Love Moscato
Moscato is a top-selling white wine for all the best reasons—it’s unpretentious and a refreshing, sweet sipper. We’re here for all of those things. A bottle of the Italian-style white wine is always chilling in our refrigerator, ready to enjoy solo or with friends at a marvelous moment’s notice.

Oliver Winery & Vineyards Awarded 2021 Blue Chip Status
Oliver Winery, a national player in the sweet wine industry and the 28th largest wine operation in the U.S., has been named a 2021 “Blue Chip Brand.” The award is given annually to the best-performing major players in the industry over the long-term by M. Shanken Communications.
A standout in the industry, Oliver is the only domestic wine operation with headquarters outside of California to be recognized in the 2021 Blue Chip listing.